Friday, January 30, 2009

Reiki and Meditation

By Laurelle Shanti Gaia

Time of creation and developing Focus

When I teach Reiki classes are often speaks of "my Reiki meditation. It stirs questions and comments from many students. Often students exclaim: "I simply can not meditate", "My mind is always wandering," I do not have time to meditate "," How do I use Reiki to help me learn to meditate, "I have meditated for years, what do I need to use Reiki?"

Then I began incorporating into my meditation Reiki, I started to feel like I was actually implementing something. Then came the Gemini with Aquarius moon, to talk about mental chatter! So if I can learn to meditate with the help of Reiki, I believe anyone can!

The goal of meditation

The first years are considered for the purpose of meditation and forms can be accepted. Meditation is the art to create a peaceful mind and listen to the sound of silence. If the prayer is the act of talking with Divine, meditation is the act of listening and hearing what God really share with us. This may take place during a special spiritual moments, which set aside specifically for the purpose of meditation, or spontaneously. Activities in the spontaneous meditation often, are also brushing teeth in the shower, walking, running, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, and yes, we all have the auto-pilot moments driving.

Create time

Now, this call that the time to meditate? This is a challenge for almost every man on the planet. Multi-function is the way of life for many people, and time seems to be moving faster every day. So, how can make the time? Simple ... Just do it! Our connection with the Divine through prayer and meditation is the most important thing we can do every day. NOTHING is more urgency for the development of our day events in our life and growth of our soul. The most important relationship we have is our relationship with God. The quality of all our other relationships are affected by our ability to community with God, as we would with a friend.

The best way I found time to meditate on the creation of the starting my day earlier, and the first thing I pray, meditation and remote Reiki practice. Whether it is my schedule for the household at the time I rise to at least an hour before everyone else. This is my precious time. These are sacred moments and just for me. You deserve precious, sacred moments in the community and develop relations of friendship with God and love for Reiki healing energy.

Creating a Focus

Usui Sensei taught his students the first pillar Reiki is Gassho meditation. Gassho means "two hands meet. Dr. Usui taught his students to place their hands in Gassho position each morning and evening. Gassho teaches art insulation mind and create a single pointed focus on meditation. One of the points, basically in their hands prayer position, close their eyes, and brings them aware of the tip to fire (middle) finger. When the mind wanders, gently press your fingers together fire and focus. This technique is detailed in "Reiki healing touch".

I start my daily meetings with Gassho, and then I offer prayers for themselves and for the other planets. Next send distant Reiki to all who request it.

A 21-Day Reiki Meditation Program

I used the 21-day program to learn more about Reiki, develop the ability to concentrate, to strengthen my prayers, visions and goals and receive a reply.

1-7 days - Begin creating intention or question. Usui Draw a symbol of power in the front part of the body and hands, move into your solar plexus. Breathe deeply, you're breathing in essence a symbol. As you exhale allow energy permeate every cell of your body, and extend your body to the emotional, mental your body, all the way to its spiritual body. State your intention, or ask your question. Sit quietly with this energy to 5-15 minutes. If your mind wanders, simply invoke the name of the power symbol three times and visualize it. Upon completion, confirm that you hold a full view of the Reiki energy and will be with you through your day. Write a note about your experience in the magazine. Include all the ideas, words, images or feelings that come to you. To do this, although it appears that there is no logic to it. Often Reiki and the word of God to us in symbols, or puzzle pieces, which will be reflected back together later in your journal.

8-14 days - Begin creating intention or question. Draw Usui mental and emotional symbol in front of the body and hands, to move energy into my heart. Breathe deeply, you're breathing in essence a symbol. As you exhale allow energy permeate every cell of your body, and extend your body to the emotional, mental your body, all the way to its spiritual body. Imagine no unhealthy mental or emotional patterns are rewoven into healthy thinking, feeling and response patterns. State your intention, or ask your question. Sit quietly with this energy to 5-15 minutes. If your mind wanders, simply invoke the name of mental emotional symbol three times and visualize it. Upon completion, confirm that you hold full of love for the Reiki energy and you will be during the day. Write a note about your experience in the magazine.

Days 15-21 - Begin creating intention or question.Draw in Usui distant healing symbol in front of the body and hands, to move energy to the whole of your body starts moving energy from the crown and down through your legs. Breathe deeply, you're breathing in essence a symbol. As you exhale allow energy permeate every cell of your body, and extends to its energy field.State your intention, or ask your question.

Moment you visualize or symbol in the form of a bridge of light. The bridge gets over time and space. Allow light to carry out bridge Reiki energy back to the time it permeates all levels of his consciousness and the multiple dimensions of your being.

More allow energy to flow forward in time creating harmonious energy in your future. Now that energy into the present moment. Sit quietly with this energy to 5-15 minutes. If your mind wanders, simply invoke the name of the remote three times and visualize the symbol is. Upon completion, confirm that you are holding the timeless healing power of Reiki energy and will be with you through your day. Write a note about your experience in the magazine.

The 21 day program is designed for those who are aligned with two levels of Reiki. Level I, doctors can adjust the level I using energy instead of symbols. It is also possible to extend the program for another 21 days and replaced with symbols of the three Master Reiki symbols, or with the Karuna symbols of your choice.

I hope these suggestions will be useful, and that is willing to examine the importance of creating a special time to deepen your relationship with God and love for Reiki energy.

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