Someone who has been in Attuenment, he will be able to treat themselves also to the distance from the other.
Tier attunementlevel Reiki master who gave me the following:
1. Traditional Usui Reiki
2. Kundalini Reiki
3. 7 Facet Seichim
4. Shambala Multidimensional Healing
5. Karuna Ki
6. Reiki other
Someone who has been in the master attunement he can meberikan Reiki attunement to others.
Implementation Attunement distance every Sunday at 22:00 local time.
For costs please contact for me over the phone, YM, Email
Or participants can come directly to the on Sunday, before a confirmation via email o
Perum Sukaraya Indah
RT 08/06 Blok C3 / 9 Sukaraya
Karang Bahagia Bekasi 17530
Phone 06281310163613/0622137303138
Before the attuenment, please read your ceremony reception attuenmnet in my previous blog.
Once you receive the Reiki atuenment from me, please do your self-healing for 21 days, after some time you receive Reiki attuenmnet from me. Click here for self healing
Monday, March 16, 2009
Reiki Training
Prana Shakti
Prana Shakti is energy esoteris the technique stems from the mystical tradition of ancient Tibet, and is part of Shamballa Meditation, meditation is a technique to enter the space of pure awareness known as Shamballa, Shangri-La, or point samadhi.
Prana Shakti is the highest energy techniques, so for those who learn this technique, will have the harmony of the whole energy of the universe, and have unlimited access to the entire energy of the universe, and vibrasi any type of function!
Prana Shakti is the "key note science." A practitioner Grandmaster Prana Shakti is the energy of the whole tradition, because it can make initiation of themselves and also against other people of all traditions have the energy in the earth.
Prana Shakti is a universal that is scholarly, therefore, can also be learned by anyone, and do not relate to religion or a certain confidence.
Shamballa is simply a word conveying the idea of a vast focal point of energies which are assembled and brought together by the planetary Logos in order to create a manifestation adequate to His unfolding intention and planetary service
Prana Shakti Founder:
In a spiritual journey in 2003, Yan Nurindra met with a Tibetan monk named Lobzang Zobta, and gain awareness about teaching Shamballa.
At the end of a chance in the "Space Policy Shamballa", Yan Nurindra obtain guidance from the "Spiritual Being", and gain knowledge of the awareness of the energy which is known as a scholarly "Prana Shakti."
In mid-2003, Yan Nurindra begin distributing scholarly Prana Shakti of several small groups, and end up with this amount of time the practitioner Prana Shakti has reached more than 6000 people in all parts of Indonesia, also in several other countries (Japan, Mexico , Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines).
With the development of Prana Shakti is so rapid, so in 2004, didirikanlah "Prana Shakti International Brotherhood" which is the venue for the Prana Shakti practitioners around the world.
One of the main activities of "Prana Shakti International Brotherhood" is to seek the distribution of scholarly Prana Shakti is more widespread, especially with a print of "Prana Shakti Authorized Instructor" in the various regions, and develop the scientific standardization of Prana Shakti.
The concept of Prana Shakti
All energy (subtle energy) in the universe is basically can be grouped into 2 types, namely: Prana is oriented to Makrokosmos (Jagad Large) & Shakti is oriented to Mikrokosmos (Jagad Small).
Through a process known as penyelarasan term Abhiseka & Shaktipat, a practitioner will be led by a Master Prana Shakti to enter the consciousness of the universe, or the awareness of Prana Shakti.
Once practitioners obtain penyelarasan Prana Shakti, the practitioner will automatically have the ability to access all the energy that exists in the universe, including both the Prana in the group and included in the group Shakti.
Prana is an energy oriented towards Makrosmos. Examples of energy-energy is included in this group are: Reiki, Chi Ling, Karuna, Seichim, Prana (Choa Kok Sui), Drisana, Neriya, Golden Triangle, Ra-Sheeba, etc..
Shakti is an energy oriented towards Mikrokosmos. Examples of energy-energy is included in this group are: Kundalini, Power In Wisdom, Power In essence, etc..
Practitioners Prana Shakti first level will also have the ability to provide top of the energy-Attunement energy referred to other people! So that a practitioner Prana Shakti although still in the first level, is a Grand Master of all the techniques to access the energy of the universe.
Prana Shakti is the most appropriate techniques for those who want to understand the basic philosophy of the existence of the energy of the universe.
Prana Shakti levels:
Prana Shakti consists of 3 levels, each representing the area of awareness that diselaraskan, three levels are: Prana Dharana Shakti, Prana Shakti Dhyana, Prana and Shakti samadhi.
Each level of Prana Shakti can be learned within a relatively very fast, even for the first level of Prana Shakti (Dharana), can only be learned in about 3 - 8 hours, with the level of ability equal or even higher than those who learn traditional techniques esoteris for many years.
Shakti Prana Dharana
Prana Dharana Shakti penyelarasan will gain awareness of the level in the first, so that they can access without limits various esoteric traditions of the energy in the world at this time, as well as in the past (Reiki, Karuna, Seichim, Drisana, Neriya, Science Wisdom, Power In , Kundalini, etc..), including a variety of esoteric traditional energy (Gendam, Brajamusti, etc.)..
In addition to access, is automatically Practitioners Master (Guru) on the esoteric scholarly energy on top, so that practitioners can provide Attunement / Inititiation on the traditions to others (including the power to open the path in the other).
With training Prana Dharana Shakti, one no longer need Attunement Reiki, Karuna, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, and thousands of other traditions, as an awareness of energy Prana Dharana Shakti is beyond these traditions. A Prana Dharana Shakti is also called "The Grandmaster of Energy subtle traditions."
Prana Shakti Dhyana
Prana Shakti Dhyana will gain awareness of the penyelarasan second level, so that practitioners will be connected to and can utilize energy from the "Spiritual Being" (Angel, Ascended Master, etc.)..
Prana Shakti Dhyana will be given the right to provide spiritual Abhiseka & Shaktipat of Prana Dharana Shakti, and obtain a license to provide training Prana Dharana Shakti as "Prana Shakti Authorized Instructor."
They can follow the training of Prana Shakti Dhyana only the practitioner Prana Dharana Shakti with interests & talents to develop the scientific Prana Shakti in the region.
Prana Shakti samadhi
Prana Shakti will get samadhi penyelarasan third level of awareness, so that will be connected with the "rays of Shamballa" that will connect to "Shamballa Policy" or "samadhi".
Prana Shakti samadhi will be given the right to provide spiritual Abhiseka & Shaktipat of Prana Shakti Dhyana.
They can follow the training of Prana Shakti samadhi Dhyana only the practitioner who is active in organizing training Prana Dharana Shakti, and a commitment and loyalty to the International Brotherhood Prana Shakti.
Prana Shakti Dharana Training
In the framework of the distribution area Prana Shakti , and in accordance with the objectives of the founder / founder Prana Shakti International Brotherhood Nurindra Mr. Yan. So I as one of "Prana Shakti Authorized Instructor" training Prana Dharana Shakti.
For interested please contact me via email or phone (no SMS) for further explanation. Or you can also come directly to my home.
My address:
Perum Sukaraya Indah
Blok C3 / 9 Karang Bahagia
Cikarang Bekasi West Java 17530
Tel: 06281310163613/0622137303138